April 2022
Consider Signing Our Petition!
As of Mid-April 2022, over 40,000 people have agreed with us and signed our Petition to make Buffalo's Outer Harbor parkland, keeping it out of the hands of private developers. The petition is designed to share with area elected officials including the Hon. Kathleen C. Hochul, Governor of the State of New York. Your signature on this petition will help deliver this message. Thank-you!
Please Sign Our Petition asking to designate the public lands on the Outer Harbor as parkland. The public has wanted the Outer Harbor to be parklands since at least the 1880's. Do not let private developers take Our Outer Harbor for condo's and do not let them limit the publics access to this incredible resource. Sign Here: https://www.change.org/p/sean-ryan-designate-buffalo-s-outer-harbor-on-lake-erie-coast-as-parkland |
January 5, 2021
The Our Outer Harbor Coalition Comments Submission
NOTE: Due to the holidays and the pandemic, we have asked for an additional extension of at least 30 days. This is our complete comment document
December 4, 2020
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) Extends Public Comment Deadline For the Outer Harbor Project Plan to January 8, 2021
The Our Outer Harbor Coalition submitted an initial comment to the Empire State Development (ESD), the authority behind the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation, (ECHDC) requesting an extension to the public comment period for the newly released Outer Harbor Project Plan. The original comment period was slated for a 30 day time-frame -between the Federal election and the holidays, and in the middle of a growing public health crisis regarding the Covid Pandemic. We are extremely concerned that this final plan should receive public scrutiny (public awareness and engagement has been the primary mission of the Our Outer Harbor Coalition since our founding in 2014). We are deeply concerned that even the release of this plan and the comment period runs below any public awareness. We have solicited additional comments from the public, and elected officials to ask for the extension. We are pleased to say that several people, and public officials stepped up to the plate and On Friday December 4, 2020 ECHDC announced a 30 day extension to the public comment period. Now that we have a little breathing room we will continue to develop our concerns and share them with you. Thanks to those of you that wrote to the ESD/ECHDC asking for an extension including newly elected State Senator Sean Ryan, newly re-elected State Assemblyman Patrick Burke, and Buffalo Common Councilmember Christopher Scanlon. Our comment requesting an extension, our media advisory of December 2, and the ECHDC announcement of an extension are below.
Our Outer Harbor Request for Extension 11/20/20 |
Our Outer Harbor Media Advisory 12/2/20 |
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) Formal Extension Announcement |
NEW November 2020
We have received the following letter from Steve Ranalli, President of the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation
November 9, 2020
Dear Waterfront Stakeholder,
The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (“ECHDC” or the “Corporation”), a subsidiary of the New York State Urban Development Corporation, doing business as Empire State Development (“ESD”), pursuant to Section 16(2) of the New York State Urban Development Corporation Act (Chapter 174, Section 1, Laws of 1968, as amended) (the “Act), adopted a General Project Plan (the “Plan”) with respect to the Buffalo Outer Harbor Civic and Land Use Improvement Project (the “Project”) earlier.
The Project would involve necessary environmental remediation and development of recreational facilities to improve approximately 208 acres of vacant, substandard or underutilized property stretching along a nearly one-and-a-half-mile stretch Lake Erie waterfront with sitewide elements, features, and amenities, along with specific improvements in Project subareas. The total Project cost is expected to be approximately $150 million, with a Phase 1 investment of nearly $45 million beginning in 2021. The Phase 1 funding sources include ECHDC via New York Power Authority Relicensing Agreement, Empire State Development Regional Innovation Cluster Grant (“Buffalo Billion”), and federal funds.
A copy of the Plan is also available for inspection at: https://esd.ny.gov/erie-canal-harbor-development-corporation-projects.
The Corporation will file such Plan in the offices of the Erie County Clerk at 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202.
Copies of the Plan are available without charge to any person who shall make a request for the same at the office of the Corporation. Send email requests to: [email protected] Subject: Plan- Buffalo Outer Harbor Civic and Land Use Improvement Project.
Please note, that, in accordance with Section 16(2) of the Act, as modified by Executive Orders 202.11 and 202.71, the public is given an opportunity to comment on the Project by submitting comments electronically to [email protected] Subject: Comment--Buffalo Outer Harbor Civic and Land Use Improvement Project by 5:30 p.m. on December 9, 2020.
November 9, 2020
Dear Waterfront Stakeholder,
The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (“ECHDC” or the “Corporation”), a subsidiary of the New York State Urban Development Corporation, doing business as Empire State Development (“ESD”), pursuant to Section 16(2) of the New York State Urban Development Corporation Act (Chapter 174, Section 1, Laws of 1968, as amended) (the “Act), adopted a General Project Plan (the “Plan”) with respect to the Buffalo Outer Harbor Civic and Land Use Improvement Project (the “Project”) earlier.
The Project would involve necessary environmental remediation and development of recreational facilities to improve approximately 208 acres of vacant, substandard or underutilized property stretching along a nearly one-and-a-half-mile stretch Lake Erie waterfront with sitewide elements, features, and amenities, along with specific improvements in Project subareas. The total Project cost is expected to be approximately $150 million, with a Phase 1 investment of nearly $45 million beginning in 2021. The Phase 1 funding sources include ECHDC via New York Power Authority Relicensing Agreement, Empire State Development Regional Innovation Cluster Grant (“Buffalo Billion”), and federal funds.
A copy of the Plan is also available for inspection at: https://esd.ny.gov/erie-canal-harbor-development-corporation-projects.
The Corporation will file such Plan in the offices of the Erie County Clerk at 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202.
Copies of the Plan are available without charge to any person who shall make a request for the same at the office of the Corporation. Send email requests to: [email protected] Subject: Plan- Buffalo Outer Harbor Civic and Land Use Improvement Project.
Please note, that, in accordance with Section 16(2) of the Act, as modified by Executive Orders 202.11 and 202.71, the public is given an opportunity to comment on the Project by submitting comments electronically to [email protected] Subject: Comment--Buffalo Outer Harbor Civic and Land Use Improvement Project by 5:30 p.m. on December 9, 2020.
Initial Reaction from the Our Outer Harbor Coalition Steering Committee
This General Project Plan is an Access and Activation plan that opens up the waterfront to privatization, including condo's and other private development. This is not a proposal for a park. We are concerned that this November 2020 Project Plan does not reflect the best interests of the stakeholder community that we represent. It does not reflect the consensus of our many stakeholder meetings held since 2016 about the use and development of the Outer Harbor. We will publish here, soon, a list of talking points outlining and detailing our concerns. First and foremost we find the public comment period, starting just after the Federal election, and which runs through the holidays with a closure to public comments on December 9, to be inappropriate for a project that has so many consequences for the people of this region, and those that will have to live with this in the future. In fact, most do not know about this secret public comment period. We have sent a comment and asked that the Deadline for Public comment be extended to January 15, with a public meeting to be held nearer to that date. We ask that you do the same. Our letter is below. We request that you submit a comment asking for an extension of the public comment period until at least January 15, 2021, and that you consider submitting more detailed comments before the (now December 9, 2020) public comment deadline. Send your comments to: [email protected]
Stay tuned for more updates and visit our facebook page. |
Where is Buffalo's Outer Harbor?

Buffalo New York is the location of the Outer Harbor. It stretches from across the Buffalo River from Canalside to Lackawanna. The U.S. Lake Erie shoreline extends west from Buffalo, through Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo, and up the horn to Detroit. Shoreline distance exceeds 500 miles.
You can get to the Outer Harbor via the Skyway, Ohio Street, Tifft Street, and via Route 5 from the Southtowns. Queen City Ferry provides a bike and pedestrian Ferry from Canalside to the Outer Harbor from approximately Memorial Day through Labor Day. Click Here for More Bike Ferry Information.
You can get to the Outer Harbor via the Skyway, Ohio Street, Tifft Street, and via Route 5 from the Southtowns. Queen City Ferry provides a bike and pedestrian Ferry from Canalside to the Outer Harbor from approximately Memorial Day through Labor Day. Click Here for More Bike Ferry Information.
September, 2019
POSTPONED Due to Covid 19 Pandemic. Stay tuned to this website and our facebook page for updates. Please Join us on March 11, 2020 for a special presentation by Sam Magavern of the Partnership for the Public Good, about the proposal for a new park on Buffalo's Outer Harbor. The event is free and open to the public. See details below
The Friends of Times Beach Nature Preserve and the Pollinator Conservation Association is proud to co-sponsor the 2020 Birds on the Niagara, An International Winter Celebration of Birds on Valentine's Day weekend, Friday February 14, and Saturday February 15. Events will be held throughout the International Niagara River strait including a Beers and Birds kickoff at Flying Bison Brewery on Friday night. Come and experience birds, and bird heros from Buffalo's Outer Harbor to Fort Niagara and From Fort Erie to Niagara on the Lake. Indoor presentations will be held at the Niagara Power Vista in Lewiston including a keynote presentation by Jajean Rose Burney, longtime friend of Times Beach Nature Preserve, Deputy Director of the Western New York Land Conservancy, and US Chair of the Ramsar Committee.
For More: www.birdsontheniagara.org Emergency Action AlertProposed Queen City Landing adjacent to Buffalo Harbor State Park on Buffalo's green waterfront.
Lake Erie SeicheA seiche is like a tsunami, except that it is not caused by an earthquake. Lake Erie is shaped like a bathtub. Storms from the west push the water toward the east (Buffalo) and this causes a rise in water levels at the eastern end of Lake Erie. Seiches occur frequently on Lake Erie, but they are generally small, and unless you are on the water a lot you may not even notice. We have about 50 seiches a year most of them under 2 feet. Lake water tends to slosh back and forth between the east and west ends of Lake Erie. Currently Great Lakes water levels including Lake Erie's are at record highs. Last spring the Outer Harbor experienced a powerful storm that pushed a seiche onto the shoreline and inland. This storm surge was characterized by huge ice flows and jams that wreaked havoc in places like Times Beach Nature Preserve and Canalside. The October 28-29 2019 seiche appeared to be about 10 feet at the Outer Harbor on top of historic high water in Lake Erie. The 2nd seiche on October 31- November 1 2019 included high wind gusts of over 70 mph. It created enormous damage along the entire outer harbor, at Fort Erie and along the Niagara River shoreline. Canalside was also and flooded.
Citizens Checklist for Sound Waterfront Development
queen_city_landing.pdf |
Margaret Wooster, Comments to Buffalo Common Council January 9, 2020

comments_on_qcl_2019_submission5.pdf |
Attorney Art Giacalone's Blog Posts about the QCL Project "With All Due Respect"
"It's Not a Tower, it's a 20 story Loft- and other QCL Tall Tales" January 2, 2020
Ten Reasons Not to Invest in, vote for, or reside at Buchheit's 20- story Tower
December 18, 2019
Queen City Landing facts Jonathan D. Epstein, Buffalo News Business Reporter-hasn't told you.
December 12, 2019
Buffalo's Green Code catches up with Buchheit's QCL tower December 9, 2019
"It's Not a Tower, it's a 20 story Loft- and other QCL Tall Tales" January 2, 2020
Ten Reasons Not to Invest in, vote for, or reside at Buchheit's 20- story Tower
December 18, 2019
Queen City Landing facts Jonathan D. Epstein, Buffalo News Business Reporter-hasn't told you.
December 12, 2019
Buffalo's Green Code catches up with Buchheit's QCL tower December 9, 2019
Coastal Resiliency Restoration
-Proven Worth
A 4000 acre wetland on Delaware Bay is proving the value of natural solutions to climate change issues. In an area once devastated by Hurricane Sandy, the $38 million project is the largest, most complex, and most ambitious wetlands restoration project ever attempted. And it is working. Not only is it protecting the shorelines, but according to a recent study, researchers found that wetland restoration brings a return on investment of at least $8 in flood reduction benefits for every $ invested.. And this is at a Ramsar site. Click Here for More
Video- Damage to Times Beach Nature Preserve, November 1, 2019 |
Video: Update to Times Beach Nature Preserve 2019 Seiche Damage November 27, 2019 |
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) Releases Preferred Plan for Outer Harbor. For Details CLICK HERE
The Our Outer Harbor Coalition has nominated Port Terminal/A Ford Motor Assembly Plant to Local Landmark status. Read the application here. |
Public Comments for the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation's most recent roll-out of planning for Buffalo's Outer Harbor were due on December 23, 2018. For a link to the ECHDC survey, and the comments from the Our Outer Harbor Coalition and some of our members, CLICK HERE.
Press Release Monday October 29, 2018 Download Below or go HEREOur Outer Harbor
Your Comments at our October 29 Public Meeting at RiverworksTRANSCRIPTION OF NEWSPRINT NOTES
FROM 10/29/18 OOH MEETING PUBLIC TRUST OF LAKE ERIE WATERFRONT -Private parcels on OH should be purchased by public agencies to ensure public uses. -Use what would be tax credits / incentives to cover costs; OOH should identify the private parcels and formally ask that they be acquired. -In addition to private lands, some public lands are inappropriately zoned now to include housing; need to change zoning. ACCESS AND TRANSPORTATION: -How will investment in LaSalle Park impact the vision for the Outer Harbor? -Access: 1/3 of Buffalonians don’t have access to a car, and buses are inadequate. The OH should support more access than cars. Need to find alternative ways to access; For example, gondolas can carry bikes as well as people -Ferry should run through September. -Another bike/pedestrian bridge for increased access (Michigan St?) -Redesign Tifft Street to be safer for bike/ped access (complete streets) WATER ACTIVITIES AND MARINA -First River Marina area needs to be kept open for migratory and resident bird populations (don’t overdevelop) -Don’t add small craft launch at OH to preserve for deep water large scale ships -Create some kind of interpretation that ‘unites’ the three waterways that make up Buffalo’s waterfront – Lake Erie, Buffalo River and Niagara River (maybe 4 if count Blackrock canal) OTHER -Emphasize the health impacts of good planning for the Outer Harbor. Important as Erie County ranked 57th out of 62 NYS counties for health; Niagara County was 59th -There is currently limited access to lighthouse. Vogel – need more funds to be open more. The Lighthouse group could use more volunteers -Milwaukee as a model of how our waterfront will be? How much of the land can be mowed w/o affecting wildlife habitat? (Cut the mowing) |
Media Coverage October 29, 2018 Our Outer Harbor Public Meeting at Riverworks
Thanks to all the Buffalo Media that covered our meeting and the release of the Cultural Landscape Report
October 29, 2018 Media
WGRZ Channel 2 “Activisits hope new "Cultural Landscape" report will preserve Buffalo's Outer Harbor” (spelling error at WGRZ) Local activists hope the details of a new report will convince the state that perhaps "less is more." CLICK HERE WIVB- Channel 4 “Activist hope report will convince state to preserve Outer Harbor” CLICK HERE Spectrum News “What is in store for the Buffalo Outer Harbor? CLICK HERE WBFO-NPR Radio "New Report highlights cultural significance of Buffalo's Outer Harbor" CLICK HERE Save the Date- October 29, 2018 The Our Outer Harbor Coalition will be holding it's next Public Informational Meeting at Buffalo Riverworks 359 Ganson Street Buffalo NY 5:30-7:30 pm. We will have updates, presentations, and an opportunity to talk about the progress of the Our Outer Harbor Coalitions work with our partners. This year, we are pleased to announce that The Our Outer Harbor Coalition has been working positively with the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC). This state agency is owner of much of the public lands of the Outer Harbor. Our advocacy has been focused on creating great public spaces, engaging the public, and advocating for keeping public places public, passive recreation, and respecting the environment. On November 19, 2018, the ECHDC will hold a pubic meeting to reveal what to expect next on Outer Harbor.planning and development. The October 29 meeting hosted by the Our Outer Harbor Coalition is designed to help inform our community about the ECHDC, its agenda and plans, and helping us all to be prepared for the November 19 ECHDC meeting. Video Link to Public Meeting:
announcement video :: https://vimeo.com/294498708 (shot at Times Beach this fall) |
Coalition www.ourouterharbor.org OCTOBER 26, 2018 MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: Jay Burney [email protected] Two Events Scheduled TODAY Monday October 29, 2019-The Our Outer Harbor Coalition will be holding it’s fourth public meeting since 2016, from 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm at Buffalo Riverworks, 359 Ganson Street, Buffalo. The meeting is designed to help inform the public regards progress on Outer Harbor development strategies and to inform the community about the upcoming Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) Public Meeting scheduled for November 19, 2018 at a time and place to be announced. Tonight’s Our Outer Harbor meeting will include speakers and a question and answer period. The meeting is free and open to the public. We anticipate up to 200 people at this event. -The Our Outer Harbor Coalition will hold a press conference at 10 am TODAY October 29, 2018 at Buffalo Riverworks, 359 Ganson Street, Buffalo, NY The Press Conference will announce the completion and release of an extensive report that it commissioned regarding the cultural significance of the Outer Harbor. The report titled The Buffalo New York Outer Harbor as a Cultural Landscape has been completed by kta preservation specialists. It details and creates an overview of how the Buffalo Outer Harbor region, once a pristine wetland area, has been developed and used by people, including industry, commerce, recreation, and shoreline modification. The media is encouraged to attend both events. A complete Press Release regarding the Cultural Landscape Report will be available on Monday October 29, 2018 at 10:00 am. |
Whats New?
October 20, 2018
Another Voice: Climate Change Demands Collective Action by Lynda Schneekloth Buffalo News |
![]() |
September 11, 2018
More Trails, Boat Rentals and Swimming on Public's Wish List for Outer Harbor
Buffalo News Mark Sommer
More Trails, Boat Rentals and Swimming on Public's Wish List for Outer Harbor
Buffalo News Mark Sommer
September 12, 2018
What Does the Public Want on Buffalo's Outer Harbor? WBFO Morning Edition by Chris Caya
What Does the Public Want on Buffalo's Outer Harbor? WBFO Morning Edition by Chris Caya
August 9, 2018
Make No Small Plans for the Outer Harbor
Buffalo News, Another Voice, James Carr
Release from ECHDC: On Monday, ESD/ECHDC will announce the upcoming Open House for the next phase of Outer Harbor development. Feel free to pass the word along to your members and partners. Looking forward to seeing – and hearing from – you all next week.
The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) plans to hold the first of three community meetings to seek public input for three projects focusing on the improvement of access and activation of Buffalo’s Outer Harbor. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 11, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Canalside VIP Tent in Buffalo. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the Open House to learn more about the following projects: 1. Northern Site: First Buffalo River Marina
2. Central Site: Wilkeson Pointe to Bell Slip
3. Southern Site: Terminal B
The purpose of the meeting is to engage the public and stakeholders in program development. Attendees will be provided project background by the consultant team to help inform opportunities and constraints. You are encouraged to give your perspective by providing comments at one of the project stations located at the Open House, filling out a comment card and/or participating in the survey in person or online. |
Our Outer Harbor Coalition
ECHDC Rendering of Areas to be Discussed

Ground has been broken on the new Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) Southern End Project adjacent to the Bell Slip near the Thin Man sculpture.
The ECHDC rendition of the site is to the left. For a larger view CLICK HERE. Stay tuned for updates.
The ECHDC rendition of the site is to the left. For a larger view CLICK HERE. Stay tuned for updates.
January 2018
The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) is seeking to develop the Southern End of the state owned property located between the Bell Slip and Terminals A & B. Public Hearings before the Buffalo Common Council Legislative Committee and the Buffalo Planning Board were held Tuesday January 16, 2018. For more details including links to public comments CLICK HERE February 2018 Newsletter
CLICK HERE Summer 2017
January 2018
The PUBLIC -17 April, 2018 "Outer Harbor Danger" by Lynda Stephens The PUBLIC -7 April, 2018 "seiche" A story about the April 4, 2018 seiche The PUBLIC -21 January, 2018 GreenWatch Sunday "Already Ready-Buffalo's LWRP" CLICK HERE The PUBLIC -2 July 2017 "Generations" CLICK HERE Buffalo News 27 June 2017 ANOTHER VOICE: "Outer Harbor Needs climate-smart planning" by Margaret Wooster CLICK HERE Our Outer Harbor's Comments to the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) latest plan. February 2017 CLICK HERE Buffalo News 9 February 2017: VIEWPOINTS: "More transparency is needed to keep Buffalo's Outer harbor healthy, green" by Margaret Wooster CLICK HERE Buffalo News, Mark Sommer -Resignation may cripple harbor board, already plagued by absences. January 22, 2017 - Our Outer Harbor September 2016 Public Meeting at Riverworks -Report and Notes CLICK HERE Images and Concepts presented by UB Students at the September 28 Public Meeting Hosted by Our Outer Harbor. CLICK HERE Videos on the Outer Harbor by Sam Magavern's UB Law Students. CLICK HERE -Read: Jim Carr's "A Beach for Buffalo" -Read Carl Dennis's important article "On the Proposed Outer Harbor Office Tower" The Public/July 26, 2016 CLICK HERE -Read Larry Brooks and Jim Carr's fantastic, fun, and PUBLIC "Chicago Navy Pier" style proposal for Buffalo's Outer Harbor. CLICK HERE -Learn more about our regional significance and how inappropriate development effects our wealth. CLICK HERE -Learn more about some great ideas for Our Outer Harbor and read the guiding development "principles" adopted by the partners of the Our Outer Harbor Campaign. CLICK HERE
Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation (ECHDC) Vendors and Contractors LinksNiagara River Greenway Commission![]() The Niagara River Greenway extends throughout the Niagara River from Buffalo's Outer Harbor to Lake Ontario. CLICK HERE to learn more about the Niagara River Greenway Commission
New February 17, 2017![]() Images-Rare Plant Alert
Spotted bee-balm at the Bell Slip Click Image to go to Spotted Beebalm page Favorite VideosTimes Beach Fox II- shot over two weeks during January 2017 at Times Beach Nature Preserve. There is so much nature still left in this rare place on our City's Lake Erie edge.
things to knowThe Niagara River and the Outer Harbor are winter home to hundreds of thousands of waterfowl of over 30 species that have migrated south from the far north to overwinter. These overwintering populations is one of the reasons that the Niagara River Corridor, including the Outer Harbor, have been designated as a Globally Significant Important Bird Area by Audubon and other conservation organizations and governmental agencies.
Why "Our Outer Harbor"?
Buffalo's Outer Harbor is a public trust. Most of the land and all of the shorelines and waters that the Our Outer Harbor campaign is focused on are publicly owned. This means that the public has the ultimate responsibility to determine what, where, and how the Outer Harbor will be developed. Even the private lands and landowners have a responsibility to engage the public in development. Defending the public trust is why New York State has the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) which requires that development be vetted through a transparent and public process.
Partners in the Our Outer Harbor Campaign believe that the Public Trust context must be the overriding strategy to develop these lands, waters, and shorelines. The public, including the campaign partners, have have many ideas, strategies, and concerns about how the Outer Harbor is being developed. We have been engaged for years and decades, and know that what we do in the coming months and years will help to characterize Our Outer Harbor for generations to come.
To learn more about some of these ideas including the creation of the Bell Slip Nature Preserve, CLICK HERE.
Our Outer Harbor located along the shoreline of Lake Erie, is one of the most unique and most important assets of our region. It has significant recreational and ecological value. This place, our outer harbor, is truly our link between the great urban area that is the city of Buffalo and the Great Lakes which represent more than 20% of all of the surface freshwater on earth. Public investments during the past decades exceed $100 million in environmental remediation, planning, and public engagement. A vast majority of the public has demonstrated and articulated over the past three decades that they want this land and the great water wilderness that it reveals, to remain open and fully accessible to all of our citizens. Today our community is facing development decisions, many of which pivot on whether or not to privatize this area or keep it under public control. "Our Outer Harbor", a campaign representing diverse partnerships, believes that the most economically viable and sustainable strategies have to depend on keeping this unique asset in the public trust. This website is designed to inform, engage, and advocate for the long-range benefits that public access and control promises.
More on Public Trust CLICK HERE
Partners in the Our Outer Harbor Campaign believe that the Public Trust context must be the overriding strategy to develop these lands, waters, and shorelines. The public, including the campaign partners, have have many ideas, strategies, and concerns about how the Outer Harbor is being developed. We have been engaged for years and decades, and know that what we do in the coming months and years will help to characterize Our Outer Harbor for generations to come.
To learn more about some of these ideas including the creation of the Bell Slip Nature Preserve, CLICK HERE.
Our Outer Harbor located along the shoreline of Lake Erie, is one of the most unique and most important assets of our region. It has significant recreational and ecological value. This place, our outer harbor, is truly our link between the great urban area that is the city of Buffalo and the Great Lakes which represent more than 20% of all of the surface freshwater on earth. Public investments during the past decades exceed $100 million in environmental remediation, planning, and public engagement. A vast majority of the public has demonstrated and articulated over the past three decades that they want this land and the great water wilderness that it reveals, to remain open and fully accessible to all of our citizens. Today our community is facing development decisions, many of which pivot on whether or not to privatize this area or keep it under public control. "Our Outer Harbor", a campaign representing diverse partnerships, believes that the most economically viable and sustainable strategies have to depend on keeping this unique asset in the public trust. This website is designed to inform, engage, and advocate for the long-range benefits that public access and control promises.
More on Public Trust CLICK HERE
Help rescue native pollinators in your neighborhood! www.pollinatorconservationassociation.org
Places on the Outer Harbor
More informatiion- Check out our page "Places" by CLICKING HERE
Times Beach Nature Preserve |
Gallagher Pier and Beach |
Support the Bell Slip Nature Preserve. The idea to conserve this unique and rare habitat of shoreline, sand and emergent woodland and grasslands is growing in popularity. To learn more about this place and the effort to create the Bell Slip Nature Preserve, CLICK HERE
Learn about the awesome history of the Outer Harbor
Tifft Nature Preserve |
Wilkeson Pointe Park |
Community Based Ideas and Plans
Outer Harbor Photos and Videos:
CLICK HERE to go to the Our Outer Harbor Photos and Videos Page
Take a look at the exciting and fragile grasslands and sand habitats at the Bell Slip Our Outer Harbor Grasslands-2016
Want to know some of the reasons our region is vital to nature, biodiversity? Want to learn about the potential economic impacts that this has on recreation and tourism? Take a look at "The Natural Niagara River Strait" of which Our Outer Harbor is the western gateway.

Click Here for Archive of Sunday Morning Videos Produced by Friends of Times Beach Nature Preserve and The Public